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A prisoner in hand-cuff

Notice to Fact Witnesses (OBD-2)


It is the responsibility of the U.S. Marshal's office to provide adequate information to Criminal Justice Act/Public Defender witnesses on:

  • Hotels, taxi cabs and availability of government lodging near the court facility, and
  • Form OBD-2, Instructions for Fact Witnesses Appearing at a Scheduled Judicial Proceeding (or Subpoenaed on Behalf of Indigent Defendant). This form, provided with the subpoena, details allowable expenses for attendance, transportation, lodging and meals, and should be customized for the city in which they are to appear.
  • Form OBD-2s, Inscrucciones para Testigos de los Hechos que Comparecen Ante un Proceso Judicial Programado

The U.S. Marshals can reimburse witnesses only at the rates applicable to the Federal Government as indicated on the Form OBD-2. The U.S. Marshals can provide a current Form OBD-2 and answer questions about current per diem rates.