The Sex Offender Investigation Branch (SOIB) was created following the passage of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act (AWA), which became law on July 27, 2006. The Sex Offender Investigation Branch provides a vast array of resources and specialized expertise to help facilitate execution of multiple missions across the agency. The three principal responsibilities under the Adam Walsh Act (AWA) are: to assist state, local, tribal and territorial authorities in the location and apprehension of non-compliant and fugitive sex offenders; to investigate violations of the Act for federal prosecution; and to assist in the identification and location of sex offenders relocated as a result of a major disaster. In addition to the Adam Walsh Act (AWA), under authority granted by the International Megan’s Law, the U.S. Marshals Service works collaboratively with the Department of Homeland Security, Angel Watch Center (AWC), to ensure that traveling sex offenders identified by the Angel Watch Center are compliant with their sex offender registration requirements and have reported their intent to travel as mandated by law.