Northern District of Florida
District Office Contact
This section provides more information about District Office Contact.
Tallahassee - District Headquarters
- Phone: (850) 404-5400
- Phone: (850) 806-0150
- Phone: (352) 378-2082
Panama City
- Phone: (850) 806-0150

Northern District of Florida
This section provides mor information about Northern District of Florida.
District Task Force Contact
This section provides more information about District Task Force Contact.
- Florida/Caribbean Regional Fugitive Task Force (Tallahassee Office)
Purpose: The apprehension of individuals who are wanted on state and or federal warrants for felony violations which include: murder, arson, sexual battery, robbery, kidnapping, aggravated battery, aggravated child abuse, RICO, probation violations with any of the aforementioned crimes as underlying offenses.
- Florida Department of Law Enforcement
- Florida State Attorney's Office
- Gadsden County Sheriff's Office
- Leon County Sheriff's Office
- Tallahassee Police Department
- Taylor County Sheriff's Office
- Wakulla County Sheriff's Office
- Liberty County Sheriff's Office
Phone: (850) 942-8400
Task Force Coordinator: Deputy West
- Florida/Caribbean Regional Fugitive Task Force (Pensacola Office)
Purpose: The apprehension of individuals who are wanted on state and or federal warrants for felony violations which include: murder, arson, sexual battery, robbery, kidnapping, aggravated battery, aggravated child abuse, RICO, probation violations with any of the aforementioned crimes as underlying offenses.
- Florida Department of Law Enforcement
- Escambia County Sheriff's Office
- Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office
- Ft. Walton Beach Police Department
- Pensacola Police Department
- Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office
- Milton Police Department
- Walton County Sheriff's Office
- Niceville Police Department
- 1st Sp Ops Security Forces - Hurlburt Field
- Attorney General's Office - Milton
Phone: (850) 469-8270
Task Force Coordinator: Deputy Guadagnoli
- Florida/Caribbean Regional Fugitive Task Force (Gainesville Office)
Purpose: The apprehension of individuals who are wanted on state and or federal warrants for felony violations which include: murder, arson, sexual battery, robbery, kidnapping, aggravated battery, aggravated child abuse, RICO, probation violations with any of the aforementioned crimes as underlying offenses.
- Alachua County Sheriff's Office
- Chiefland Police Department
- Florida Department of Law Enforcement
- Gainesville Police Department
- Levy County Sheriff's Office
Phone: (352) 378-2082
Task Force Coordinator: Deputy Blount
- Florida/Caribbean Regional Fugitive Task Force (Panama City Office)
Purpose: The apprehension of individuals who are wanted on state and or federal warrants for felony violations which include: murder, arson, sexual batter, robbery, kidnapping, aggravated battery, aggravated child abuse, RICO, probation violations with any of the aforementioned crimes as underlying offenses.
- Bay County Sheriff's Office
- Panama City Police Department
- Jackson County Sheriff's Office
Phone: (850) 763-0771
Task Force Coordinator: Deputy Joanos
Alachua, Bay, Calhoun, Dixie, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Leon, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Taylor, Wakulla, Walton, Washington
Court: in Tallahassee, Gainesville, Marianna, Panama City, Pensacola
The organizational structure of the district can be found in the United States Code Title 28, Part I, Chapter 5, Section 89.
Profiled Fugitives
If you have information on any fugitives, please call 1-888-869-4589. (24 Hour Tip Line)
The policies and procedures of the various U.S. Marshals Service District Offices found on this website may vary depending on local rules, local needs, and legal and policy interpretations. These policies and procedures, and any variations among District Offices, are not intended to, do not, and may not be relied upon to create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by any party or person in any matter civil or criminal. Nor are any limitations thereby placed on otherwise lawful U.S. Marshals Service prerogatives.